What the Wausau American Legion Post 10 does for our Veterans
Made possible with the support of our volunteers and community
01. AMERICAN LEGION BOYS STATE - Sponsor Wausau Area Boys State Scholarship
02. BANNERS- Veterans Avenue of Honor, Annual placement of 50 banners honoring Veterans
03. BASEBALL & GIRLS FAST PITCH - Sponsor American Legion Bulldogs & Girls Post 10 Patriots Softball teams
04. BOCK FEST- Donate Post profits from the event to the Never Forgotten Honor Flight
05. BOY SCOUTS & CUB SCOUTS TROOP 400 - Sponsor Troop & Pack 400 – Patriotism, Leadership
06. BUSINESS EXPO – Wausau, Display promoting the Post and honoring Veterans, Best of Show, Theme 2023
07. CAMP AMERICAN LEGION - Assist Building Program, Financial & volunteer support
08. CAMP AMERICAN LEGION - Purchased truck with snowplow in 2020
09. DICK DUDLEY MEMORIAL INVITATIONAL – Golf fundraiser for the Post
10. ENDURING FREEDOM TRIBUTE – Honoring those who served, especially Gulf War era Veterans In 2022
11. FLAG POLE, FLAG & ACCESSORIES– Donated to the Community Partners Campus on Grand Ave., Wausau 2022
12. FLAGS - Provided upon request from area non-profits and schools, provide drop off for proper disposal
13. FUNERAL HOMES- Provided all area funeral homes with plaques in 2020 to honor the fallen Veterans
14. GUN RAFFLE- Annual support of our Veteran programs, 31 winners every October
15. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY – We are working with Habitat to find vets who need help with home improvements
16. HIGH GROUND - Post Honor & Color Guard, participate in tribute events
17. HONOR GUARD - Support Veteran activities - funerals, over 70 last bugle salutes, parades, etc.
18. KING, WISCONSIN VETERANS HOME, Provide gift items for residents at various times
19. KING, MILITARY CEMETERY - Participate in laying of 7000 wreaths for the Christmas season
20. LEAP – “Law Enforcement Appreciation Project” support with donation
21. LEGION RIDERS - Participate by posting colors at their events
22. MEMORIAL BRIDGE – Scott St, replaced 1934 dedication plaque in 2022, honoring all military branches
23. NEVER FORGOTTEN HONOR FLIGHT – Annual donations with manpower at fund raising events
24. PARADES - Memorial Day & Wausau Christmas Parades with Honor Guard and patriotic float
25. PATRIOT DAY AWARDS & GOLF – Recognize youth, citizens, business, protective services, Legionnaire
26. PATRIOT K9’s of WI. –Sponsor training for 10 service dogs to assist for Veterans with PTSD
27. POPPY DAY- National, Assist Auxiliary with Poppy distribution
28. POST 10 TRUCK - Purchased in 2020 for Honor Guard to support the military rites of fallen Veterans
29. RESTLAWN CEMETERY - Flag placement, honor Veterans at Memorial Day event
30. SCHOLARSHIPS - Presented to qualified high school graduating applicants
31. SERVICE OFFICER - Prompt response of Veterans requests for financial aid or support
32. STANLEY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTE- Support their Veterans Rehab Program
33. VETERAN MEALS- Provided over 6000 “Safe at Home” meals for Veterans, widows & their families - 2020-2024
34. VETERANS MEMORIAL WALL- Marathon County, at Bunkers/Tribute Golf, created, maintaining, updates
35. VETERAN TRIBUTE – Celebration of Veterans hosted by Bull Falls Brewery, American Legion, Man of Honor
36. VETERANS DAY CEREMONY – At Bunkers, Speakers & Honor Guard Honoring all Veterans
37. WALK IN THEIR SHOES -Sponsor Colin Hanson’s educational programs with national speakers
Located at Bunkers Restaurant, 1001 Golf Club Road, Wausau
Executive Committee Meetings– Second Monday of each month
Membership Meetings – Third Tuesday of each month except December
Facebook- Wausau American Legion Post 10
Post Website - www.wausaupost10.com